Thursday 19 September 2013

Real Faith 真信

Posted by AUTUMN&WINTER on 15-06-2013, 9:13 AM :

Shifus said we must strongly believe that we can be reborn in Amituofo's Pureland. This is called real faith 真信。If one says I wish to be reborn in Amituofo's Pureland but no idea whether I can make it, this is not called real faith (真信)。Just share with you all what I'd heard from the Shifus. Many Shifus said that, not just one Shifu. 信,愿,行.

Monday 16 September 2013

讚 佛 偈

Posted by AUTUMN&WINTER on 04-06-2013, 8:59 AM :

Praise To Amitabha Buddha

Amitabha Buddha, all in golden colour, with form, features and radiance unequalled, white curls winding like the five Sumeru Mountains, and purple eyes as clear as the four great seas.

In his aura are transformed Buddhas in countless millions, and transformed Bodhisattvas, also, in limitless number; forty-eight vows he made to enlighten sentient beings and to enable all nine grades to reach the other shore.

Homage to the most compassionate one of Western Paradise, Amita Buddha.

Amituofo (Chant as time allows)